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The course:

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  • Introduction to Flutter and Dart Programming Language
    1. Introduction to Dart
    2. Writing Dart code
    3. Installing Dart SDK
  • Dart Programming – Syntax
    1. Variables
    2. Cycles
  • Dart Functions & Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
    1. Functions
    2. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
    3. Dart Project Structure and Dart Libraries
  • Introduction to Flutter
    1. Flutter Framework
    2. Android Studio
    3. Flutter SDK
    4. Setup an Android Virtual Device
    5. Emulator Debug Mode
  • Flutter Widgets Fundamentals
    1. Scaffold Widget
    2. Image Widget
    3. Container Widget
    4. Column and Row Widgets
    5. Layouts in Flutter
    6. Hot Reload and Hot Restart
    7. Stateful and Stateless Widgets
  • Navigation and Routing
    1. Button Widget
    2. App Structure and Navigation
    3. Navigate to a New Screen and Back
    4. Navigate with Named Routes
    5. Send and Return Data Among Screens
    6. Animate a Widget Across Screens
    7. WebView Widget in Flutter
  • Visual, Behavioral, and Motion-Rich Widgets implementing Material Design Guidelines
    1. BottomNavigatorBar Widget
    2. DefaultTabController, TabBar, and TabBarView Widgets
    3. ListTile Widget
    4. ListView Widget
    5. Drawer Widget
    6. DataTable Widget
    7. SelectableText Widget
    8. Stack Widget
    9. Input and Selections (Text Field, Date Picker, Time Picker, Slider)
    10. Dialogs, Alerts, and Panels
  • Firebase
    1. Introduction
    2. Firebase authentication (Signup and Login to Flutter App)
    3. Configure Your App to use Firebase Services
    4. Configuring Firebase Authentication .
    5. Firebase Database
  • Location-Aware Apps: Using GPS and Google Maps
    1. What is GPS and how does it work?
    2. The Camera Position
    3. Adding Google Maps to a Flutter app
  • App Testing & Publishing
    1. Testing and Feedback for Your App
    2. Publishing Flutter Apps
    3. Publishing Android App on Google Play Store
    4. Publishing iOS app on Apple Store
5 days (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM )