Load-Balancing Clusters Using Linux Virtual Servers (LVS)

Unix-like systems, Linux - administration

Building a Load Balancer system offers a highly available and scalable solution for production services using specialized Linux Virtual Servers (LVS) for routing and load-balancing techniques configured through Keepalived and HAProxy. This course discusses the configuration of highperformance systems and services using the Load Balancer technologies in Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

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The course:

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  • Introduction
    1. Evolution, functionality and purpose of HA solutions via load balancing, terminology
    2. Comparision of kernel based and application based solutions
    3. Sources and docs, alternatives
  • Keepalived
    1. Basic Keepalived load balancer configuration
    2. A three tier configuration
    3. Scheduling and routing methods
    4. Persistence and firewall marks
    5. The NAT load balancer
    6. Load balancer using direct routing
    7. Configuring services
    8. Configuring packet filtering, packed forwarding and nonlocal binding
    9. Configuring services on real servers
  • HAProxy
    1. Concept and functionality
    2. Scheduling alghorithms
    3. Global, frontend and backend settings
    4. Traffic management
  • Exercise
    1. Practical example
    2. Configuring load balancing solution with primary/backup load balancer
    3. Configuration for common applications
Assumed knowledge:
Previous knowledges with advanced Linux administration and TCPIP networking
1 day (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM )