Moving to PowerDesigner 15.0 (PWD1)

Databases, SAP Sybase

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The course:

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  • Impact and Lineage Analysis
    1. Configuring Links between Models
    2. Generating an Impact Analysis Model
    3. Modifying an Impact Analysis Model
  • Generation Template Language
    1. Customizing the Components of Generation Template Language (GTL)
    2. Using GTL Variables
    3. Using Macros in GTL Code
  • Metamodel
    1. Examining the Metamodel
    2. Examining the Metamodel Structure
  • User Interface Customization
    1. Identifying Files for Model Customization
    2. Creating Extension Files
    3. Creating Custom Properties
    4. Classifying Objects and Customizing their Display
    5. Creating Multi-Valued Properties
    6. Defining Custom Import from XML
    7. Generating Multiple Objects Between Models
  • Code Generation and Customization of Features
    1. Configuring Language Files
    2. Customizing SQL Generation
    3. Scripting Customizations
    4. Customizing Model Features
    5. Customizing Model Generation
2 days (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM )
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